New Star Wars MMO Info


Fried Yoda
Staff member
Well, this all depends on how much you trust Surfer Girl. I've always been 50/50 on her postings. On her most recent post on Surfer Girl Reviews Star Wars she writes:

Next year's Star Wars MMO, not being developed by BioWare or Sony Online Entertainment, will launch simultaneously for PC and consoles alongside the debut of the first Star Wars TV series in fall 2009, of which the storylines of the game will tie into. Those Artistic Lucases already have a second online title planned that I've heard has nothing to do with Star Wars.

Your choice whether you want to believe it or not. Like I said, I'm usually 50/50 on her posts.
I'm with Farid. Anything Star Wars is welcomed at this point. I still stand by my belief that a new Star Wars MMO is inevitable and it doesn't matter who makes it or if it ties into consoles either because my xbox 360 is waiting with me. Bring it on Lucas :D
Game content tied into a television show, with "intellectual property" owned by George Lucas?

The concept definitely sucks enough to be plausible. :lol:
Simultaneous with console = insultingly simplistic design, probably focusing on voice coms over typewritten, with no depth or substance. I'm thinking it'll be a mindless slaughterfest, like Battlefront.

But it is a rumor and I'm holding out hope.