Need some feedback


New member
Upgraded my site (moved to an actual domain), a lot of it is just place holder until I can get in there and get some work done on it, but have the basic layout of it. I've done away with the TF2 server as CoD4 and UT3 have taken up my time. Again, it's a gaming site, hopefully for multiple games in the future, but starting small. Let me know what you think and give me some feedback!
Looks good, but your logo has one too many 'a's... get rid of the a or the 4...

Oh, and you have misspelling on the title as well, the 'L' should be an 'F'.

Looks good, but your logo has one too many 'a's... get rid of the a or the 4...

I agree, I think you should keep the 4, dump the A.

Also, shouldn't the COD4 server name reference the website somehow (SL / / or something)? That way if people play on it they have a site address they can go to later.
I agree, I think you should keep the 4, dump the A.

Also, shouldn't the COD4 server name reference the website somehow (SL / / or something)? That way if people play on it they have a site address they can go to later.

Problem with that is CoD4 only allows so many characters before it starts cutting words out. I've tried to tinker with it best I could, but the website is included in the server info when viewing the server in game.