My Star Trek-like "viewscreen" game idea...


Retired SWG Bounty Hunter
I posted this idea on SE forums (as "Gidar"), but was also wondering if I could get some opinions from you guys on this (and also would just like to share this idea more):

Basically, you use webcam for motion-capturing the face of a gamer, use the data to manipulate their 3D avatar, and use that (in tandem with microphone) for more personal communication in games between 3D avatars in-game. Sort of a pseudo-virtual-reality that increases immersion and also removes risk of including copyrighted material, obscene imagery, and such from being transmitted over the webcam to the other player(s).
soe has something like this called soemote for eq and a few other games that takes your facial expressions and translates them to your avatar. i dont think there is much interest in it but it could give you a base to see what parts need to be improved on
Wow thanks womp, I had no idea this was already a thing. It's pretty awesome, too:

Now we just need that for captain / bridge crew inter-ship communications in a new Star Trek MMO and I guess I'd be set. :P

Damn SOE, you come up with some great stuff. Great minds think alike and all that...

lol dont worry too much about it. soe messes up everything they touch