My new Headset: 7.1


New member

8 Discrete Drivers: 6 for Mid-High Frequency, 2 for Bass.
Individual Channel Volume Control / 1 Master Volume Control.
Detachable Microphone.
6 Channel Analog Inputs.
Eight Amplifiers contained within its volume control units.
Output power of 330mW.
Razer HD-DAI™ (High Definition-Dedicated Audio Interface).
99% Oxygen-Free Cable.

im sure they are awesome ..if i didnt destroy a pair of headsets everymonth id actually spend some money on them ..gamers sets not music sets i keep those in good shape for the lights well no comment
im sure they are awesome ..if i didnt destroy a pair of headsets everymonth id actually spend some money on them ..gamers sets not music sets i keep those in good shape for the lights well no comment

I was the same until I got some Speed Link 5.1, then I kept them for about 2 years, and I think I can handle myself now, so I bought these.
How much do they weigh? I hate headsets that fall off because they are too heavy. Anyway meh to headsets in the first place. I got a super do microphone so I don't have to wear anything. Push to talk without a headset ftw.
How much do they weigh? I hate headsets that fall off because they are too heavy. Anyway meh to headsets in the first place. I got a super do microphone so I don't have to wear anything. Push to talk without a headset ftw.

Well noise pollution is a crime.