My APT is trying to evict me!

That's some shady business right there, and it's why I always hand my rent payment directly to my landlord and make him write me out a receipt before I leave.
Do you have bank statements showing check withdrawals?

Yeah, if you can prove you did pay, and they try to evict you, get a lawyer. Or just tell them you are going to get a lawyer... might scare them enough to back down.
Talked to the guy today, seems like it's simply a computer error. The "landlord" is actually a company, and we're figuring it out now.
That blows. Hope it works out for you errors - ick! :hug:

We pay over the internet through our bank. That way it can never fail, and it's high security. There's always proof of us paying it, so there's no room for hickups. Tho, we don't have the exact same system as the US.
Talked to the guy today, seems like it's simply a computer error. The "landlord" is actually a company, and we're figuring it out now.

Sadly most landlords are some type of company these days. Mine owns like 10 apartments or something. Their owner is a lawyer so we constantly get screwed ;)
Sadly most landlords are some type of company these days. Mine owns like 10 apartments or something. Their owner is a lawyer so we constantly get screwed ;)
This is why you find some hot guy to live with, so when you get evicted its his fault and he has to move a house full of your stuff to a better one to make up for it.
Sadly most landlords are some type of company these days. Mine owns like 10 apartments or something. Their owner is a lawyer so we constantly get screwed ;)
We have both. A few private, but it's more common to have a company owning the appartent. The larger companies own well over a thousand appartments. Companies usually work better in my experience and are more likely to cut you some slack and accommodate you :)

(Seems like it's rather different systems)
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GG Landlord, GG.

I had to pay money, but I convinced him to get rid of ALL the late fees he was gonna charge me. I paid 300. He was gonna charge me...700.

So Zo wins.

Gay AA Rodeo is still on.