Mmmmm....Megan Fox

Are you asking who lights fluffy's fire or who Megan Fox is?

If it's Megan Fox you might have noticed her in the Transformers movie if you saw that, and if you're a straight male then it is absolutely impossible to miss her.
Are you asking who lights fluffy's fire or who Megan Fox is?

If it's Megan Fox you might have noticed her in the Transformers movie if you saw that, and if you're a straight male then it is absolutely impossible to miss her.

There in lies Stav's problem.
She moved above Eva Mendes to take the number one slot on my list. There is basically nothing that I wouldn't do to her.
She's super white. She definitely does not top Kate Beckinsale, Kim Kardashian, or Keira Kightley. Wow, I just realized my top 3 all start with K. KKK. OMGZER! :o
Oh no no no.
Keira Knightley? Get her out of that pirate corset and theres nothing there. That and her voice would get irritating.

Eva Mendes. Oh yes indeedy. :drool:
i really do not understand the fuss about eva mendes either tbh. i think the klingon comment is quite appropriate now i think about it lol
You guys got bad taste :p

her face is horrible....

although that pic does a good job of hiding it, the awful nose/mouth is still highly visible