Metal Gear Solid: 4 pushed back

Unconfirmed report, and you could easily buy these titles later this year:

Assassin's Creed
Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway
The Getaway
Heavenly Sword
Team Fortress 2
Transformers: The Game
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
Unreal Tournament 3
Grand Theft Auto IV
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Dark Sector
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
Saints Row 2
Tekken 6
and more...
Unconfirmed report, and you could easily buy these titles later this year:

Assassin's Creed
Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway
The Getaway
Heavenly Sword
Team Fortress 2
Transformers: The Game
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
Unreal Tournament 3
Grand Theft Auto IV
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Dark Sector
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
Saints Row 2
Tekken 6
and more...

How many of these are confirmed exclusives? I can see maybe Tekken 6, Final Fantasy XIII, and maaaybe Heavenly Sword. Any others no one really cares about or you can get on the 360/PC.
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How many of these are confirmed exclusives? I can see maybe Tekken 6, Final Fantasy XIII, and maaaybe Heavenly Sword. Any others no one really cares about or you can get on the 360/PC.

Most of the list a console exclusive, so no PC. They are all confirmed for release this year, but there are differeneces in some titles between 360/PS3 versions.

Tek 6, FF, HS, UT 3, WarHawk, Getaway, Dark Sector are PS3 Exclusive entirely, or staggered Ex.
Most of the list a console exclusive, so no PC. They are all confirmed for release this year, but there are differeneces in some titles between 360/PS3 versions.

Tek 6, FF, HS, UT 3, WarHawk, Getaway, Dark Sector are PS3 Exclusive entirely, or staggered Ex.

Never heard of Getaway. UT3 is on 360/PC, Dark Sector is on 360.
360 hasn't got the power.

Will see what happens any way. you can never predict markets.

Not enough space on a disc? Sure.

Lack of Power? I don't think so. Gimme a source before ya start pullin' crap out of your ass.
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Not enough space on a disc? Sure.

Lack of Power? I don't think so. Gimme a source before ya start pullin' crap out of your ass.
Wasn't PS2 the most lacking of power of the 3 consoles last gen? But that didn't stop them from getting every game that matters on it.
Ah the way tables turn now, Wii the least powerful is doing the best, and the PS3 the most powerful and most to offer is lacking behind.
Artica is going to cry :(
Nope... :p

I'm havink too much fun in SL to get a PS3. Or any console fer that matter.

Ah the way tables turn now, Wii the least powerful is doing the best, and the PS3 the most powerful and most to offer is lacking behind.
And now you open your eyes as you should? ;)

I'm happy fer ya, at last ya leave that elitist man on a darkenned corner. ^_^