Merry Xmas and a happy new year from an oldtimer


New member

Not sure how many still remember me, but for some reason I came over this site right now and saw a lot of familiar names.

I sure do miss those good old SWGdays. The constant battle between ELITE and AOW, oh man, feel like logging onto my jedi and patrol

Anyways, merry xmas and a happy new year to all of you!

Edit - Bah used ImageDump when I meant to use ImageShack. The screen should be visible now.
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Not sure how many still remember me, but for some reason I came over this site right now and saw a lot of familiar names.

I sure do miss those good old SWGdays. The constant battle between ELITE and AOW, oh man, feel like logging onto my jedi and patrol

Anyways, merry xmas and a happy new year to all of you!


hello you! long time no see! hows you been? And ye i made my account here ages ago but forgot about it lol. Just started posting here cple days ago. Theres still quite a few veterans kicking about these forums from the original system <3

Merry Xmas to you! /snog!
Hello Perecira!

Ya might not remember me, we didn't really talk a lot. Just a couple of hello here and there. But, Welcome to Wanderhomies. ^_^
haha Reek, should have known you would post something like that :P
And hi to everyone else who replied!
I am doing fine thanks, Hakan, how are you? Still the evil ruler of something? hehe
Do ppl still play WSG or moved on to other games? I still play WoW a little here and there.

Smooches from Pere
I just resubbed to swg to see what its all about, havent played since nov 2005, been playing WOW up until a month or so ago but the grind has gotten old. (and dealing with wow dork kiddies on the 2k+ arena teams hehe)

Happy New Year everyone and ye i remeber you perecira not sure if you remeber me but i bet you remeber The SillyWalkers :P