
This should probably go under the movie quote thread but figure it applies here. The bad weather would be something to see...and it's free hehe. :D

Avi: Eighty-six carats.
Rosebud: Where?
Avi: London.
Rosebud: London?
Avi: London.
Avi's Colleague: London?
Avi: Yes, London. You know: fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins... LONDON.
Im going into London tomorrow, what's free or cheap to see and do ?
Know lots of things to do there, but nothing free....and it's England, it ain't cheap :p

Seriously tho,
take a bus tour :) And if the weather allows it, take a doubledecker bus with an open second floor. They have great tours where you get to see lots of historical buildings :)
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So far I have :

Imperial War Museum
The British Museum
Churchill Museum & Cabinet War Rooms
London Aquarium
Churchills Britain at War Experience
HMS Belfast
National Portrait Gallery

Lunch at Planet Hollywood in the Bond room. :)
hehe your not going to get all of that done in one day ;)

btw if you do the london eye, going at night, or just after dark, you get a beautiful light show with the town all lite up.

The bus tour, or the river thames boat tour are both pretty good, depends on which sort of travel you prefere, and of course the weather.

Plenty of museum's already listed, If i remember rightly the natural history museum was the one I liked the most.

Most important good luck with the tubes, and you can easily pick up a free tube map along with a list of everthing by which tube station they are at. Either get an oyster card, or an all day pass. It's not only easiest way to get around, but cheaper.
Lol thank Az, I saw the Star Wars Exhib back in May...bought the T-shirt too :p

Ended up going to the National Portrait Gallery, lunch at Planet Hollywood, The British Museum and then The Verve concert at the Roundhouse near Camden, they were awsome too :)
Lol thank Az, I saw the Star Wars Exhib back in May...bought the T-shirt too :p

Ended up going to the National Portrait Gallery, lunch at Planet Hollywood, The British Museum and then The Verve concert at the Roundhouse near Camden, they were awsome too :)
*Envious* I wanna go back there too! :mad:


Great that you had a good time ^_^
If I were to go back to London I would go back to The Tower of London again

Me :wub: London... or England for that matter!
I'd love to go to Ireland. Never been there. I really like England, Wales and Scotland. And especially the roadsigns in Wales :p