
"I know it's had bad press recently, but....****" what's that line? I've replayed it over and over and I don't know what he says lol
Ohhh ok thanks! :) Silly Brits, with their accents and silly words! A kid in the US says something takes their fancy... and they better be ready to get their ass kicked. lolz

Hmmm my accent has worked quite well for me here, after all tis the Queens English or Welsh in my case, not some bastardised version you hear so often these :)
/growl :mellow:

Haha! I know, I was just trying to get a reaction from Azrail and it worked! Anyone who knows me knows I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE accents. I even "fancy" them! lolz I wish I had an accent. Being from Michigan is so plain and dull. Once in a while I get asked if I'm Canadian... What's that all aboot, eh?! /sigh