Lets play 'Below Me'!


The magic never ends...
Lets play 'Below me' ^_^

I say something, a statement, then the next person says true or false (True if they agree, and false if disagree). And then this person says a statement and the next true or false plus a statment, and so on...
(A friend started this on another forum, was rather amusing)

Here it goes:

The person below me likes to skinny dip and swim naked
Shit, I though the subject said "Blow Me" and I was curious what Zana was posting.
I knew someone would think that :p
But you must post false or true :mad::p And next statement.

The person below me has had more then 3 SWG accunts.

I have 3 swg accounts still... still play thou... And my guild has just turned 3 years!

The person below me has more then 5 starwars action figures
My high school senior year night league team was called Below Us. Then they made us change it after Round 1.
False, the internet is serious buisness!!!

TPBM has fucked a craigslist prostitute at least once.