Well, I didn't post the whole story here because I didn't have all that much time yesterday as I was waiting for AAA to pick up the phone.
Here's the one I posted on the official forums yesterday:
So it's snowing in CT today (fairly badly with feet of snow and all that). My co-worker and I who are still there at around noon-1ish get told one of us can go home. We flip for it, and I get to go home.
I go out to my car, turn it on to warm it up, then procede to dust it off of snow. I go back into the car, and hit my wiper blades and realize - stupid me forgot to put them down onto the window. So I get out of my car (looking to make sure I don't lock myself out), close my door (locking it in the process via some biological mind-numbing mechanism), put the wiper blades down. I then try to open my door. I blink for a few, and after trying a few more pointless times, I realize I've locked my keys in the car, with it running.
I go inside to call the police and/or AAA to see who can help me out. The police basically say call AAA. I call AAA who tells me it'll be 1-2 hours probably. So I had two co-workers working to open the thing (one on each side lol). After about an hour, we get it open. I walk back inside to call AAA to tell them not to come, and someone tells me they're right outside. Give the guy a tip, run back inside to try to tell my co-worker to leave (since he was nice enough to try to help me). Our boss comes over and says just go home.
What an afternoon!