Lesbians turn on lesbians in battle of Lesbos


Female Boob Inspector
True story lol.

Residents on the Greek island of Lesbos have declared that they alone have the right to call themselves lesbians, and yesterday launched a legal action against the Greek Gay and Lesbian Union (Olke) designed to wrest back control of the word from aficionados of Sapphic luuurv.

Local activist Dimitris Lambrou states in his complaint that the "seizure" of the island's name is responsible for the "psychological and moral rape" of true lesbians, and reckons the case will come before an Athens court in June.

Olke spokesperson Evangelia Vlam counterattacked with:

"This affair is totally ridiculous. But if we are summoned by the courts, we will be heard."
Lesbians are a waste of good women.

More straight women = more women to choose from.