When management fails to enable software products to be released, They get to keep their own jobs and lay off the hard working folks who were busting ass to try and release a product.
Whee, just in time for the holidays too.
If any of the good people in the Wanderhomies community happen to work for a company (or know of one) who is in need of Software Quality Assurance professionals, I would be most grateful if you were to send the tip my way.
It does not have to be in California, we are willing to relocate for a good opportunity.
Whee, just in time for the holidays too.
If any of the good people in the Wanderhomies community happen to work for a company (or know of one) who is in need of Software Quality Assurance professionals, I would be most grateful if you were to send the tip my way.
It does not have to be in California, we are willing to relocate for a good opportunity.