Is there something wrong with me... can understand drawing parallels between games and RL - I've done it all the time.

But if someone did this to my munchkin, there'd be hell to pay.
oh i agree totally with you there Tiv, like I said, what he did was beyond cruel. But I just feel bad, that thats the first thought that popped into my head, "Day of the Tentacle".

I think it's been all this legal battles againsts the game industry blaming them for violent behaviour and what not, thats been in the news and discussed here more and more.
oh i agree totally with you there Tiv, like I said, what he did was beyond cruel. But I just feel bad, that thats the first thought that popped into my head, "Day of the Tentacle".

I think it's been all this legal battles againsts the game industry blaming them for violent behaviour and what not, thats been in the news and discussed here more and more.

Agree 100%...

When you get involved in something (anything) as much as we tend to get involved with gaming - generally the first thing that pops into our head is something related to gaming. And when you're younger, you can be a bit more impressionable - which is both good and bad when someone is attached to an arena like gaming.

I joke around a lot with people in my life - there's a buddy of mine I call the "Jedi Master" because he knows quite a bit about this one area of our job function. And I've drawn comparison before about news and things to other games I've played "Wow I feel like I'm in the ending of FF3, everyone's being so cheesy".

So yeah, yer normal :p Unless...there's the other possibility - we're both odd.
I love how people draw comparisons between video games and real life violence. It's like, I play a lot of Unreal Tournament so I'm going to go and find a flak cannon and kill somebody with it.

Although, if I met that kid and I happened to have a flak cannon, I would most definitely use it on him. 12 month supervision and banned for 4 years from keeping animals? Oh yeah, that's such a harsh sentence. Stick him in a fucking prison for a few years imo.
They should do to that child what he did to that hamster........saying that, kids that torture animals have been known to end up as serial killers/murderers....if I was his parent..God help him.
When I was a kid, we had a next-door neighbor kid who used to do that kind of thing. I think his parents were totally oblivious, because he mainly did it to wild animals that he caught. We lived in a rural area with mostly small semi-worked farms around, so it was easy for kids to operate outside of direct adult supervision most of the time.

I eventually realized this kid had a bunch of screws loose when he shot my sister at close range with a BB gun, in spite of everyone else present telling him not to and to put the gun away. After that, we tended to avoid him. We moved down the road after a couple of years, and so avoided almost all contact. I don't know whether or not he ended up in prison or institutionalized as I expected he would.
I agree that it is a horrible thing, tho I think more kids do it then we know of...I don't think this one is an exception tbh.
I love how people draw comparisons between video games and real life violence. It's like, I play a lot of Unreal Tournament so I'm going to go and find a flak cannon and kill somebody with it.

Although, if I met that kid and I happened to have a flak cannon, I would most definitely use it on him. 12 month supervision and banned for 4 years from keeping animals? Oh yeah, that's such a harsh sentence. Stick him in a fucking prison for a few years imo.

flak cannon noob. :p

But yea.. that kid needs to be banned from life.