Is it just me....

I don't think they even make 'em anymore most of the hangars are plastic nowadays and is it weird that I was thinking the same thing the other day. Random thoughts ftw I guess. :P
Wire hangars make great sculpture. Its a good wire gauge to bend and work with. They also make great hookah-cleaners. Babyshit ftl.
they can also be used as a really cheap tv aerial. i am pretty sure i have done it at some point
If it were not for a wired hanger, my car would have run out of gas, and I would have been shit out of luck a few months ago. Wired hangers FTW.
yes they pretty much suck for that, especially if you have some heavy-ish items of clothing on them. they just bend too much.

i cant believe i am talking about coat hangers at 1am