If you get bored...


New member
And want something to do, I'm looking for people that like to write video game reviews to post over on my site. Of course you'll get full credit for writing it, the only thing I ask is that it's comprehensible, at least one page in length ("this game blows goats and I have proof!" is not a review), use spell check, and keep the reviews to games that involve competitive play (i.e. FPS', RTS', PvP, etc.).

Please avoid scoring boxes i.e.


I hate those things and doesn't add to the review as all that can be explained in the body of the review. Just add an overall score from 0-100%. I haven't had a whole lot of time to write articles/reviews on the site as I've been swamped at work and other real life issues, so just lookin for some volunteers; I know some of you like doin that stuff, so thought I'd ask.
If I played a lot of those type of games competitively, and had a bit of time on my hands, I'd help. Sorry Timi, but maybe later.
I've been really involved in competitive MLG since the beginning (Halo 1, around 2003) and I get to play and communicate with basically some of the best Halo players. If it was something you needed MLG competitive wise, I could get you information or something, or even write something. What exactly are you looking for? Is this just computer stuff? or....or what. haha

And despite my lazy posting, I'm actually a half decent writer with a some experience in production type writing.
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I've been really involved in competitive MLG since the beginning (Halo 1, around 2003) and I get to play and communicate with basically some of the best Halo players. If it was something you needed MLG competitive wise, I could get you information or something, or even write something. What exactly are you looking for? Is this just computer stuff? or....or what. haha

And despite my lazy posting, I'm actually a half decent writer with a some experience in production type writing.

Hey Zorin. Nah it's not limited to computer it can be any console as well. If you've got stuff on Halo, tournaments, and such and would like to write about it, it would be great. Again, strictly voluntary, so just whenever you have the time or if you have the time that would be great.

As an edit: It doesn't have to be about the multiplayer aspect of a game. Reviews or articles can be about the single player aspect as well.
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Hey Zorin. Nah it's not limited to computer it can be any console as well. If you've got stuff on Halo, tournaments, and such and would like to write about it, it would be great. Again, strictly voluntary, so just whenever you have the time or if you have the time that would be great.

As an edit: It doesn't have to be about the multiplayer aspect of a game. Reviews or articles can be about the single player aspect as well.

I might be able to throw something together once in awhile. I just can't commit to a lot of extra stuff right now. I should be able to put something together about Conan, if I can manage to get the time to do it.
I thought your site went under or something?

BTW the "Help Wanted" would look better if it was a GIF, just an FYI.
I thought your site went under or something?

BTW the "Help Wanted" would look better if it was a GIF, just an FYI.

Nah just a retooling, decided to specialize. The help wanted was just thrown up, didn't have a lot of time to spend on it last night, I'll spruce it up when i get a bit of down time. The biggest deal was breaking away from fireboard, which thankfully i was able to do and am using phpbb3, huge difference.