How do you prep for Christmas/Yule etc?


The magic never ends...
How do you prep for Christmas, Yule etc? :)
Decorate - How? Any neat ideas or special traditions?
Bake - Got any good recipes for Xmas?
Visit people?
Buy/make gifts - Do you have any traditions in this area?

You can tell us anything and share your visdoms....;)
1. Talk to family 'n stuff.
2. Get gifts for family.
3. Play more computer games.

My gift ritual typically involves running down to Walmart or Shopko and finding something that suits the person I'm trying to get a gift for. I can spend hours doing this, only to get a shabby gift they want to return half the time (I keep receipts for them too, LOL).
I don't.
I usually forget that Christmas is coming until I suddenly realise it's already here and I need to get people presents.
In my family, we normally celebrate it en famille on Christmas Eve. My family tends to not push Christian ideals as much during this party, but we focus more on family and giving to each other. This event is really mostly for the kids. This year (and most when I have no more time left) I have to work on Christmas Eve. V has to work from Christmas Eve till Christmas Morning (no he's not santa). Christmas day is a small event of gift-giving between myself and my husband - if we haven't already given each other all our gifts (which usually happens right after we buy them - we have no patience at all).

I personally think a lot about Christ during this time. I'm thankful to God for His birth, and the events surrounding his life. It's a very joyful time for me.

I think this year is the first year I'm starting to agree with my husband more. I think while Christmas is beautiful, and I love almost everything about the real meaning behind it, I like Easter more. In Christmas we can feel that Christ was a man, like we all are, but in Easter we realize He is so much more.

Anyway, God Bless, and I hope the season of family, friends, and love brings you much good Cheer.
Usually I decorate the whole house, but I don't overdo it. I like details, not clutter. I love to do it, but this year I wont be able to since we are in the middle of a move *pouts*

I bake saffron bread, ginger cookies and lots more, and drink glögg of course...
I love to have friends and family over for dinners and snacks ^_^

We celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve. We have an early dinner around 1pm and then we watch the yearly cartoons at 3pm :p. After that we make rimes for the Christmas gifts. Around 5pm we sit down and share our gifts, read the rimes and guess whats in each package....this take about 3-4 hours when the whole family sits down.
I usually make my own Christmas cards for each and every person and do calligraphy on each package.

I celebrate Christmas as a family tradition, a time to be with family, have quality time together (and I love it). Not for the religious aspects of it (nor for the Christmas gifts ;)).
Yule I celebrate with friends, which is more towards my beliefs :)

I love Christmas and I love Yule :wub:
Thats easy.. I choke down the fact that I don't celebrate holidays. I decorate the house like its cool for kiddo and have a pile of presents already under the tree and every few days I add more just to see how excited she can get helping me wrap presents for family. (You can tell the ones she wrapped there is only wrapping paper on one side) :p
Thats easy.. I choke down the fact that I don't celebrate holidays. I decorate the house like its cool for kiddo and have a pile of presents already under the tree and every few days I add more just to see how excited she can get helping me wrap presents for family. (You can tell the ones she wrapped there is only wrapping paper on one side) :p
That just sounds so cute! ^_^