How dedicated are you to your gaming guild?


New member
This is how dedicated I am...


Had that little thing done by a bamboo tattoo artist friend of mine a couple of weeks back, I tell you it hurts so much less than a machine tattoo, I definately recommend it.
lol, it looks cool, but I'd never even considder doing something like that for a guild in a computer game.
Ahh well, we have been gaming together for about 10 years, we hook up in real life a lot as well, 4 of the guys just spent a month visiting me in Thailand, more like an extended family than a guild :)
I will say I am dedicated to my guild on Chimaera

Danes is my life if it wasn't here not sure what I would do

We meet up real life to and everyone that I have met is like family to!

They all love my kid to and that helps to

Danes forever - swg rules