Guitar Hero is so addicting


Bored to death... maybe...
My arms are killing me as I type this but what the hell I love this damn game. Makes me feel like picking up a guitar and learning how to play. :D

I just finished a 3 hour session lol I finally 5 starred every single song on medium beat all the carrear songs on hard and did 5 songs on expert. I'm stuck on "Danzig - Mother" right now so I'm taking a break.

Question: Is expert even comparable to playing a real guitar?
I'd like to but I want to possibly 5 star everything on expert before I actually pick one up. That will take me a long time though. :p
i finally beat free bird on expert last night. 4 stars ftw! now if i can get up some motivation to pick up my acoustic guitar again we might be in business, but until then it's working on 5 stars on expert for me :D medium and even hard are just too slow and it pains me to play songs there lol
I think saying Guitar Hero helps you play a real guitar is like saying Gran Turismo helps you drive a real sports car...
I think saying Guitar Hero helps you play a real guitar is like saying Gran Turismo helps you drive a real sports car...

That is probably the case but I really don't know since I have never attempted to play a real guitar. 'Tis why I asked the question. :p

i finally beat free bird on expert last night. 4 stars ftw! now if i can get up some motivation to pick up my acoustic guitar again we might be in business, but until then it's working on 5 stars on expert for me :D medium and even hard are just too slow and it pains me to play songs there lol

Tell me about it I started playing the game on medium and I dont even want to touch easy for my carrear score.
Yeah, I have Guitar Hero II for the 360. I tried playing Medium but it was so damned slow so now I'm playing Hard.

Oh, and it compares nothing to a real guitar.
I think saying Guitar Hero helps you play a real guitar is like saying Gran Turismo helps you drive a real sports car...

No, but the opposite is true. Knowing how to play a real guitar helps with playing Guitar Hero.
No, but the opposite is true. Knowing how to play a real guitar helps with playing Guitar Hero.


I figured as much. The reverse is probably true only because you are comfortable with hand positions and the like. Like I said, I think it helps as much as GT did for sports cars (i.e. not at all)
I play some guitar IRL. Haven't touched it in at least a couple months, but I've got one in my room. I didn't get a chance to play any of the Guitar Hero games yet, but I have a feeling the only hard thing you *really* do is strumming - which really isn't *that* hard. Although I do kinda need to work on my timing...
The difficulty of the game is defintely both the fret buttons and strumming. I can't strum up and down so on fast songs or songs that repeat a lot like Hangar 18 and Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart I fuck up a lot. The transition from hard to expert wasn't so bad but my arms are sore from playing too much. I swear playing guitar hero is going to make my arms jacked lol.
Hardest part to guitar hero much like DDR is memorizing the songs. Once one can do that, they become easier.

I would imagine by now there are people who can play the song with the TV off.
The difficulty of the game is defintely both the fret buttons and strumming. I can't strum up and down so on fast songs or songs that repeat a lot like Hangar 18 and Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart I fuck up a lot. The transition from hard to expert wasn't so bad but my arms are sore from playing too much. I swear playing guitar hero is going to make my arms jacked lol.

You sadden me. Go outside; get some exercise or lift some weights! Healthy is a good thing...don't be afraid!
Hardest part to guitar hero much like DDR is memorizing the songs. Once one can do that, they become easier.

I would imagine by now there are people who can play the song with the TV off.
there are. there's a video on youtube even of an 8year old kid getting near perfect on psychobilly freakout on expert and he doesn't look at the tv
I can't take the time to sit down and master a song it isn't fun for me. I like being challenged by crap loads of different songs.