Grandpa died


Retired SWG Bounty Hunter
My grandpa was in the hospital for nearly a week now, and has passed away. :(

I still remember how he used to tell us stories when we were kids. I'm gonna miss the guy.

Actually, despite being a bit sad, I'm mostly worried for my mom. She loved him dearly, and they were very close. I hope she'll be okay.
Sorry for your loss...

Remember to be there for your mom... and tell her you are there for her even if she knows already!
I am truly sorry for your loss. Wulf lost his grandmother on Christmas day so we both feel for you and your family having just experience a similar situation. Losing someone you love is always the worst.

You have our deepest sympathies.
My condolences. I lost my father 4 months ago and also lost the person who was effectively my grandmother last month. Your mother will grieve; she will feel loss, sorrow, emptiness, pain. But she will get through it with time. Be there to comfort her, don't forget to allow yourself to grieve and say goodbye, and go through the process of mourning. You'll both be OK.
As someone who no longer has a grandfather due to two losses in two years, I feel for your loss, and understand your worry for your mother. As Reek says, just be there for her. If you don't know the stages of grief, it may be a good idea to look them up. You or your mother may not go through them all, but knowledge can be a powerful tool.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you just want to talk. I've found that sometimes it helps talking to someone you don't really know all that well. May God help you through this time of darkness.
Thanks Reek/Tiv/everyone, good advice. My mom lives down in California, but since we are going down there for the funeral I can be there for her.