Germany bans Paintball.


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Germany to ban paintball in wake of high school shooting

Experts from Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives and her Social Democrat (SPD) coalition partners have agreed to outlaw all games in which players shoot at each other with pellets.

The governing parties say paintball trivialises violence and risks lowering the threshold for committing violent acts.

Lets ban baseball bats while we're at it to! :mellow::(:mad::rolleyes:
Only countries populated entirely with beautiful people should be able to ban shooting each other.
Germany are becoming a 1984 society. You cant even buy violent video games or movies.
Ohhhh! the year of Footloose
Lol I think he meant the novel about the government regulating peoples living experiences.

Ya know I might get criticized for it but them banning neo-nazi's and trying to ignore their past was the beginning of this downward spiral of a need to control their population. Their country dies a little everytime they do something like this.