FPS Innovation

hope they dont mess it up, for real like they did with alone in the dark. i think its coming for 360, hope it does so the game can have a better feel to it. especially in HD on a sexy screen 20"< 40"
Yeah I felt the same way about it...at first the concept sounded great and then a few vids dribbled out and it just looked meh...but that vid I posted was the first one that got me really interested.

Can't see youtube at work :/ so i'll have to check out the others later on.
Yeah I felt the same way about it...at first the concept sounded great and then a few vids dribbled out and it just looked meh...but that vid I posted was the first one that got me really interested.

Can't see youtube at work :/ so i'll have to check out the others later on.
wow, that one montage is awesome. the game looks like a whole bunch of parkour with killing and hd goodness. sett, your working in the wrong department man!!! you need to be in the IN and run shit in your office. thats what IT does ;] gotta love admin privileges!
Gameplay looks pretty decent. Level looks like an obvious clone of ladders etc. Not sure how innovative, as it looks like a Tomb Raider + Prince of Persia + Average FPS hybrid.