First DJ i found on...

From the "what is it with chicks and dancing" thread, where I argued that European dudes are pretty f'n gay...

I present Exhibit A:

well ... i love dancing.. for reasons that i dont really need to explain or ? but its not like that it matters for the tracks you can listen on this guys page... cause he really knows how to do stuff ....... and you hear that :)

Edit: and look at his picture.. a standup guy... like a true modern time musician has to look like imo... :P
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just one more thing... the best house.... tech and progressive house still comes from the states.... best real dancefloor music for me imo... i dont know... but maybe the states are so big that some of you never really get to see the good clubs ? i dont know how often you guys go out to have some fun... in real clubs ... but ill do it when i ever have the chance to it /shrug
Have you clicked on that link? Because I'm not seeing a DJ. I'm seeing a pink-on-pink page of a hello-kitty infatuated asian chick.