Finally Friday


New member
Any big plans for the weekend? Oh and don't forget Mommy Day on Sunday!

I can't say I have a whole bunch planned this weekend, which is a good sign. That means I can relax, rent some movies and order dinner in! *cheer* hehe :) I do however need to implant in the other half what exactly he "needs" to get me for Mommy Day. I 've left clues all over the house, but I think he needs more of a in ur face hint. *ponder* Maybe I'll write a note and staple it to his hand! From my little ones, I'm hoping for the famous hand made card (I can't get enough of them).
Plan to sleep on Sunday and play games! I need something to watch when I wake up though really.

We've already had Mothers Day. Why not stick it on a note and slap it to his forehead? :lol: :p
Going down to london, to celebrate my friends birthday aka get him pissed, meeting up with alot of old friends i've not seen in a while, will be fun. :)
Get haircut, will Bulls to ultimate domination in Eastern Conference Semifinals (sha, right), work at crack of dawn Sunday. Not the optimal weekend.
Any big plans for the weekend? Oh and don't forget Mommy Day on Sunday!

I can't say I have a whole bunch planned this weekend, which is a good sign. That means I can relax, rent some movies and order dinner in! *cheer* hehe :) I do however need to implant in the other half what exactly he "needs" to get me for Mommy Day. I 've left clues all over the house, but I think he needs more of a in ur face hint. *ponder* Maybe I'll write a note and staple it to his hand! From my little ones, I'm hoping for the famous hand made card (I can't get enough of them).
I hope it's not as bad as for a friend of mine lol She put a vase on the table with money under it. She looked at her man and said:
-Guess what I want?
He looked at her and replied:
-Huh? What?
She looked rather annoyed at him, then at the vase. She said:
-I want you to fill that vase.
Then he got it...
Something like that...I thought it was horrible yet amusing. People really can be that blind :huh::rolleyes:

Well, back to topic. I had dinner with my mother today. Tomorrow Im going out with a fried and on Sunday Im going to another friend. We don't celibrate mothers day at the same date as you Americans :)