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Lawlz at the sweetness...

This morning at its press briefing at the E3 Media & Business Summit, Microsoft stunned many in the audience by announcing that Final Fantasy XIII is now in development for the Xbox 360. Not only is the game coming to the console, but it will arrive on the same day and date as the PlayStation 3 edition of the game, with no timed exclusivity of any kind. However, when exactly that is remains a mystery, given that the graphics-intensive role-playing game still has no firm release date.

PS3 loyalists frustrated by today's announcement can take some comfort in the fact that it did not include the action-oriented Final Fantasy XIII Versus, which remains a PS3 exclusive. Check back throughout the week for previews and impressions of Square Enix's game lineup from E3 2008.

and resident evil 5 will also be coming to xbox....

wont be long till gran turismo and metal gear move surely?!
I suppose in times of economic crisis + Microsoft's failure to aquire Yahoo, they had to spend the mega bucks to get a big game back.

It was all going so well. :lol:
Xbox never had FF, that was Nintendo GG. Secondly, if Sony had any clout left and didn't make all the developers look else where, they wouldn't be losing major exclusives. With nothing to separate itself from the other systems other then it's glorified DVD player, it's basically an expensive paper weight.
Doesn't it come down to install base? Isn't the main reason it went to XBox as well is that there just isn't enough PS3s in NA to justify the expense of the development of the game. I don't think it had anything to do with quality of PS3, just sheer numbers of them.

Say you make a movie, it costs $200 million to make, but you only can release it to 1000 theaters/screens, no matter how good that movie is it ain't going to turn a profit.