

If you're happy, I'm. . .
After finals this week I am taking the summer off from college. I have decided I want to be a drunkaholic all summer. The Sis in Law, kiddo and my brother are moving into kiddos room for the summer (yeah yeah spousal problems, like living with me will clear that chit up *shrug*) So I get a free babysitter, a friend from years ago is back in my life (and he is a masseuse now- right on!) let the good times roll. Jaylee is already excited about Uncle Ira chilling here this summer along with my brother, sis in law and kid. Full freakin house. Bring on the booze!
Don't become addicted thats all I can advise, drink, but don't drink for breakfast, wait till the arm is high i.e It is ok to drink after Mid day.