dote stories...


Thrawn's pretty pretty play thing
so for those of you following merly's saga there is a new link for book 3 and a short short story to tide y'all over till August.

If you have links to the 2nd book there are now little image buttons to add if you want let me know I still have to upload them, but you can see the fullsized covers on each site.

the plan is to start posting book3 in August so keep your fingers crossed. This has been a project that has so far taken 2 years! I hope that book 3 goes a bit faster!

other than that... things are now good. A mostly clean bill of health and the not so unexpected news that I am not dying from some mysterious heart disease or going utterly mad but rather have menopause and yes 41 is young for this but there ya go, I was going grey at 13 so I guess my body is just in a hurry to get on with it...

But the happy news was that my heart is fine I just need to exersize more. I wonder if I can type on my notebook while walking on a treadmill?????
