It did make me stop and think though... the whole shift from computer gaming to console gaming is a logical progression to be able to more carefully control content. Personally, I don't pirate games, but I know a TON of folks who do and to be sure theres literally millions of people around the globe who do as well. Granted, there are ways around console games copy protection, but it's a bit less raging than the PC games available on say bit torrent.
All conjecture and intellectualism aside, great video... so bad, it's good!
I prefer to buy a game I really like. There wouldn't be an incentive to pirate a game if they were any good!
Some games cost way too much and are done in 2 days. Leaving me feeling ripped off and annoyed.
I prefer to buy a game I really like. There wouldn't be an incentive to pirate a game if they were any good! Some games cost way too much and are done in 2 days. Leaving me feeling ripped off and annoyed.