Heres a great way to mess with chuchgoers.
me: Ok now one of the commandments is thou shall not kill right?
them: thats right
me: well it seems that god has no compunction about killing
them: well thats because hes god, you can't hold god to the standards of man
me: oh i see, so god is allowed to sin is what your saying?
them: well is isnt a sin when god does it
me: so then jesus christ could have been a homosexual
them: what! what da hell you talkin bout
me: well you said god can sin and homosexuality is a sin so it seems that if god can kill, he can indulge in homosexual activites
them: well he could but he wouldnt because god wouldnt want to do that, why would he want to do that?
me: well why would god want to kill?
them: wwwell your just a sicko go rot in hell