"Daddy, I want to watch the astronaut movie!"


Vote Stewart/Colbert in '08!
So, my 3.5 year old WC was watching a little TV before bed this past weekend, and the Spike Channel was airing Empire Strikes Back. So, I flipped it on and didn't say much about it to my daughter. I wanted to sit back and see how she gauged the movie without me saying much. So, the first thing she says is "Daddy, I don't like this" (she says this to almost anything that isn't Curious George/Sesame Street related), and I simply said, "Well, we are going to leave this on for a little bit".

After about 5 minutes she starts asking me questions, like: "Are those the bad guys?" (Referring to a scene on a Star Destroyer), "Is she a space princess?" (talking about Leia while still on Hoth, cause WC loves princesses) and "Is he going to get away from the Snow Monster?" (obvious).

Then after 20 minutes she is jumping up and down in excitement as the Falcon is cruising through the asteroid belt. She knows all the main characters names already (and yeah, she thought I was a :wookiee:, smart kid) and is calling it the "astronaut movie".

So, now when WW works at night, and after the WT (Wook Twins) are put to bed, WC and I watch some of the astronaut movies. WC has gotten so into them that she and WW made a Chewie and a Leia mask, not to mention Chewie and Leia snack buddies. We have gotten through all of IV and V, we are due to watch VI (with WW, cause she loves Ewoks) Saturday night. Not to mention she wants to be an astronaut when she grows up, yeah, I love that kid.

So, what was your first time like seeing a SW movie?

P.S. I posted this here, because I do not think there is anywhere else I can present this little nugget of my life that would be so understood.
My first exposure was when i was really little. I don't honestly remember much, other than the fact that my family convinced me that Return of the Jedi, was really Return of the Jodi (my name). It added onto the fuel of the SAM vocals from the Commodore 64 saying my name as Jod - I.

I know that I had a crush on Han, and wanted to be Leia. (what girl doesn't want to be a space princess!)

Thank you for sharing Fluffy. ;)
Hehe I wanna watch Star Wars again too. :P (whips out his dvds, pirating ftw)

I am trying to get my THX version that are on VHS over to a chaptered DVD. The one thing that watching the movies again has shown me is that Lucas really fucked around with the original movies in a way that displeases me greatly.
*Giggles* That's so cute ^_^
I saw it when I was 19 I think. I had heard of it, and then my bf at the time said that they were so awesome. So we sat down and watched it together with some friends.

I fell asleep! :p

Later on that same night we watched Space Balls, and I was too drowsy and sleepy to understand that it was a different movie...:rolleyes: So, I thought SW was Space balls and SW in a nice little mix ^_^
(They straightened it out for me after a couple of days when we spoke about it)
I am trying to get my THX version that are on VHS over to a chaptered DVD. The one thing that watching the movies again has shown me is that Lucas really fucked around with the original movies in a way that displeases me greatly.

Over here they released the Special Editions on DVD last which included the original film version on the 2nd Disc.
Can't you get that one from a shop?
That is awesome that your daughter is into Star Wars and to have that common bond is unique. Me and my son watch the movies all the time and play Battlefront against each constantly. You will remember these magic moments with her for the rest of your life and she will to so cherish every second.

My first time seeing Star Wars was of course when I was very young. I think I was four years old when it was released. To be honest I think it is the first movie I ever saw in a theatre so you can imagine the effect it had on me. Anyways, I remember having a luke skywalker figurine that had a little plastic lightsabre that came thru his hand if you pushed up on it. I took this with me everywhere I went.. even into kindergarden.
I was 7 and on a family vacation,was raining,so went to the movies, we waited in line for what seemed like forever. The movie blew my mind, opened up a whole other world for me....:) All we did for the rest of the week was act out scenes form the movie lol. Drove my folks nuts.
I was at Service Merchandise about six years old. My mom was in the jewelry section and whenever as usually she was taking FOREVER. So I was walking around the store looking at the cool electronics stuff. Next to the jewelry section was the TV entertainment section, that had all the latest tubes. There was this huge 50 inch TV there and it had just started playing a movie. That movie? Return of the Jedi.

I remember it because as I walked by it was the Luke vs Rancor scene and [SPOILER ALERT!!!!!] Luke had just killed the rancor and Malakilli ran into the pit crying. Well, the subtitles were on and as he was crying the subtitles read, "Boo hoo. Boo hoo hoo. Boo hoo." I started laughing and sat down in front of the TV and watched the majority of the film in true stereo.
Do they have a box set with that? Or just the three individual DVDs?
There's been a tin set here of all 3 but there is no difference.
They came out in Sept 2006 though! Didn't think it was that long ago.
A lot of places here are now selling them cheap as they didn't sell.

George can only make so many people buy the films every year!



That is awesome that your daughter is into Star Wars and to have that common bond is unique. Me and my son watch the movies all the time and play Battlefront against each constantly. You will remember these magic moments with her for the rest of your life and she will to so cherish every second.

My first time seeing Star Wars was of course when I was very young. I think I was four years old when it was released. To be honest I think it is the first movie I ever saw in a theatre so you can imagine the effect it had on me. Anyways, I remember having a luke skywalker figurine that had a little plastic lightsabre that came thru his hand if you pushed up on it. I took this with me everywhere I went.. even into kindergarden.

I had that one and the Vader version as well. The old school SW toys were fucking awesome.
There's been a tin set here of all 3 but there is no difference.
They came out in Sept 2006 though! Didn't think it was that long ago.
A lot of places here are now selling them cheap as they didn't sell.

George can only make so many people buy the films every year!




Those are not the THX version. Those are the raw original transfered to DVD (I got that), I wanted the THX version which was the original just with cleaned up effects. (aka no obvious purple square around the tie fighter as it barreled by)

THX version was released in 1995 and it was true widescreen. They were released only as a box set and only on VHS and Laserdisc (remember that). Needless to say, it is not a commonly found item. Luckily we got a box set when it was released, so I want that on DVD. It is my preferred viewing option.

EDIT: This is what I was referring to:
Some guy on a torrent site I used to use called Myspleen ripped the laserdisc THX version to his computer and then converted those to DvD, so when I saw that needless to say I downloaded all three. It's pretty cool because it has the cleaned up effects but it doesn't have all that extra shit that the special editions did. Plus Han still shoots first in that version.:D
My aunt Bobbie took my sister and me to see ANH in the summer of 77.
My aunt Mary took us to Empire on it's opening weekend
My mom took us to see Jedi opening weekend.
The prequels I had sneak previews for because a buddy worked at the theater. Nothing like watching the new movies with 10 people in the theater.