The long-lost HK Droid Factory! (not the same as the Droid Planet M4-78)
Several ways to murder Visas!
A whole new group of people who want to kill you!
Multiple endings! (no, really, actual endings)
Various ways to be responsible for the deaths of all your party members!
looks like ill have to find my kotor 2 cd! any idea when the exact date is?Anyhow Team Gizka is nearly complete so soon there will be a nice new addition to Kotor 2 coming out.
what is this about? more deets!!Oh and also I don't know if you played/enjoyed the Jedi Knight series but KOTF (Knights of the Force) a gigantic player addition is supposed to be coming out soon as well.
RA2 ftw!!I've been playing Comand and Conquer lately, Red Alert 2 is my favorite of the game series.