curse u r a noob:P

Not much playing a bit of eve, trying to warm up to the game as there is no other alternative as far as MMo's go. I dunno why devs need to be so dumb, why cant they fucking do everything right? I like a lot of things about EvE but when i fly with a starship i remember even a zodiac handles better than those starships so i get pissed off.

Other than that finished Kotor 1-2 again and miss SWG dearly becoz of it lol. And waiting on the last version of my favourite Mod to be polished for Medieval Total war 2. Its getting better every version, some of those modders are very talented guys.

Oh and trying to stir up things on a grand scale in my country with little hope of success hehe.
It's a funny video.. very uhh valley girl if you ask me lol. Anyhow Team Gizka is nearly complete so soon there will be a nice new addition to Kotor 2 coming out. Looks like you'll have to play through it again. :p Oh and also I don't know if you played/enjoyed the Jedi Knight series but KOTF (Knights of the Force) a gigantic player addition is supposed to be coming out soon as well.

I tried EvE and hated it mainly because the way you handle the ship really sucks imo. I am so used to JTL that when I tried out EvE I was homesick for SWG. I did do the tutorial more than once too, heh the first time the game literally put me to sleep the second time I went through the entire thing but never really stayed long enough to get to the point where I could enjoy the game.

I've been playing Comand and Conquer lately, Red Alert 2 is my favorite of the game series. I couldn't really get into any other ones aside from playing Tiberium Sun for a bit.

So are you still playing EQ2 at all? I looked you up on EQ2 players when I resubbed last time and sold my account and to my surprised you had betrayed with Hoody how did that turn out?
Team Gizka is working on restoring the missing parts of Kotor 2. The parts that were cut since the game was rushed. The cool part is even though the game was rushed out the audio clips were already pre recorded and even shipped with the final version of Kotor 2. So it's like it actually came with the game. Here are some of the things they are adding:

The long-lost HK Droid Factory! (not the same as the Droid Planet M4-78)
Several ways to murder Visas!
A whole new group of people who want to kill you!
Multiple endings! (no, really, actual endings)
Various ways to be responsible for the deaths of all your party members!

They have video progress reports as well on their site if you want to check it out.
RA2 is the shit lol did they ever get the clan things back up or did they basically kill the online shit off
Anyhow Team Gizka is nearly complete so soon there will be a nice new addition to Kotor 2 coming out.
looks like ill have to find my kotor 2 cd! any idea when the exact date is?

Oh and also I don't know if you played/enjoyed the Jedi Knight series but KOTF (Knights of the Force) a gigantic player addition is supposed to be coming out soon as well.
what is this about? more deets!!

I've been playing Comand and Conquer lately, Red Alert 2 is my favorite of the game series.
RA2 ftw!!
Vaki they killed the westwood online shit though you can still play online through hamachi. :D

Prod I dunno when exactly Team Gizka is releasing their mod but if I had to take a guess I say it would be finished before the end of this year. KOTF is a mod for the Jedi Knight series that should be out soon as well some dude worked on it for 4 years so far and apparently he put in every fight scene from all 6 movies along with movie clips and alternate bonus missions where say if Obi Wan killed Jango when he was at Kamino he then would have fought a special clone trooper team. I played the demo you can download it at it's pretty neat.
The long-lost HK Droid Factory! (not the same as the Droid Planet M4-78)
Several ways to murder Visas!
A whole new group of people who want to kill you!
Multiple endings! (no, really, actual endings)
Various ways to be responsible for the deaths of all your party members!

Whats that droid planet ?
There was supposed to be another planet in Kotor 2 and that would have been the droid planet. They aren't adding that though since there was little to no leftover content from the developers. The droid planet is where B4D4 and T1N1 were originally supposed to go instead of Nar Shadda but since they removed that the T1N1 / B4D4 thing became broken. :p
I just want to see how Atris ties into the whole thing. I know the cut her out of a lot of places. There was concept art of her fighting Darth Nihilus and I had heard she was even supposed to fight Kreia at Malachor V so it will be intresting to see.
She really was I enjoyed killing her. :P My character killed all the Jedi Masters even though he was light side because IMO they were corrupted muwhahaha.
Hmmm, what happens when you kill them? Tbh they sure deserved to die, they were all arrogant pricks. Btw any info on Kotor 3?