Bored to death... maybe...
Orignally typed this in xfire thats why there are timestamps and Curse Wanderhome everywhere. 

[10:53] Curse Wanderhome: was over my sisters house and we were watching a
movie I dunno what it was about but everytime she paused itto go to the bathroom
or something thee 3 dols that she had would start laguhing maniacly and walk
towards us
[10:53] Curse Wanderhome: then after that thigns get fuzzy
[10:54] Curse Wanderhome: and I find myself back at elementary school
[10:54] Curse Wanderhome: its recess and for some reason the gym teacher is out
[10:54] Curse Wanderhome: so he makes us play kick ball
[10:54] Curse Wanderhome: and all of a sudden it gets incredibly dark
[10:54] Curse Wanderhome: the kids run away somewhere the gym teachers gets
in his car and drives off
[10:55] Curse Wanderhome: and I'm left with my bike and a coat and I start
pedaling to find out where everyone went
[10:55] Curse Wanderhome: eventually I go down this street
[10:55] Curse Wanderhome: and its incredibly sandy
[10:55] Curse Wanderhome: I fall off the bike and hit a fence
[10:55] Curse Wanderhome: its next to a house with a red light
[10:56] Curse Wanderhome: I look at the sky and its tye died in a blood red /
booger greenish color
[10:56] Curse Wanderhome: I turn around and go into the house
[10:56] Curse Wanderhome: there are 3 people in there
[10:56] Curse Wanderhome: 1 kid making a pizza another kid that is obsessed with
cleaning things and another kid that is their little brother
[10:57] Curse Wanderhome: the kid that is obsessed with cleaning things comes
up to me and asks me who I am an I tell him my name and that I just fell off my bike
and I was looking for everyone from school
[10:57] Curse Wanderhome: he then proceedes to tell me he loves cleaning things
and he walks off and starts cleaning a sink (i guess we were int he kitchen)
[10:58] Curse Wanderhome: the kid who was making the pizza starts talking to me
about idk what and he tells me that they have lived there ever since the murder
[10:58] Curse Wanderhome: the small kid runs by into the other room
[10:58] Curse Wanderhome: I then sorta knock over a bookcase with movies on it
[10:59] Curse Wanderhome: and im there for like 10 minutes trying to move it back
into place
[10:59] Curse Wanderhome: I forget what happens after that lol
[10:59] Curse Wanderhome: its was creepy for the most part though