BSG Season 4 Premiere online at Noon ET today

soooooo good. i frackin love this show. thinks its just the fact that it raises so many interesting questions each episode, and you know most if not all of the questions raised will be answered. awesome!!
40 lightyears from earth = right about where Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower" would be, signal-wise. I'm still not buying it that those four are the 'four'.
yeah i am not convinced properly yet either. im also not buying it there are only 5 remaining cylons to be identified. there's loads of references to 13 in the show eg 13 colonies, 13 gods etc and i reckon there will be a 13th cylon
It's great to have it back! The SFX looked better too.
Changed the titles slightly too. Some interesting stuff going on.

Not sure if I like the whole mystery thing with Starbuck about her ship etc.
Reminds me of those glowing aliens in the original on the light ship.
yeah i couldnt believe the effects. they were awesome. im guessing they have been given almost a carte blanche for the final season