As much as I like the boobie avatars...

I don't know. It wasn't much of a deal before, but now the moving does attract more attention, and it seems there are more people using them overall.
Either way it's NSFW.
Well my moving one has gone now. I think I was the biggest offender.
Prod was jumping on the band wagon. No one ever reads what Prodigy writes anyway :D
lol, Wanderhomies = NSFW nor NSFK. Never log in while at work no more... :rolleyes:

Except that was never the intention. That's one of the reasons the flame wars forum exists so that those of us at work can still troll in our spare moments of the day without worrying about half-naked anything.

But then again I've had my images turned off ages ago just because you never know what someone will post in a thread that sounds half-normal.
Well I admit my last avatar was over the top a little and I've dumped it now.
All my others have been the same for months.

Is there anything stated where the stuff we post has to be safe for work?
Flames I can understand should be in 1 place. Not everyone wants to read all that crap.

Everything else depends on where or who you work with.
I read WH at work. I make sure customers don't see what I am looking at anyway. Be it a Movie page or (for pure example) a porn page. All the same.

Then again doesn't it all fall back to why are people reading at work when you should be working?? :lol:
Well, it doesn't really matter if one put up NSFW in the title since the avatars aren't safe for work ;) And as soon as someone replies, it's kind of 'too late'. I don't really mind, I just look at this forum when I'm home instead :)