Are you as smooth?

I would of ripped the ear piece out and come on to her, it would of been worth a charge of common assault.
Another thing I hate is when people look right at you when they are on the can't ever tell if they are talking to you or the person on the phone
Yeah I had a similar experience back in my college orientation. I was sitting listening to some speaker and this really hot girl looks back up straight at me and mouths, "I want you."

My eyes grew pretty big and I blinked repeatedly, wondering what in the hell just happened. I tilted my head and pointed to myself and she looked at me and said, "no, behind you."

I was kinda disappointed, but then I looked back and the person she was talking to was another hot chick. That made it all better. That always makes things better.
I got a friend that does that, but her headset is visible. She looks at you while talking on the phone. However.... when she is talking to you she moves her hands around a lot, and when she is on the phone she doesn't. But, ya need to know her to know that. ^_^
When going out, I've answered people that have been to the bathroom sitting in their booth doing their thing...they apparently talked on the phone, and not to me :p