Anyone actively blogging nowadays?


Fried Yoda
Staff member
And by actively blogging I mean making more than one post a month lol. Just curious to see if this trend has faded or is still going strong. Post your blog urls too if you want.
I have 2 private ones. One I keep online for my friends since we don't have a ton of time to talk to each other, we can at least post stories and talk with each other. The other is a personal one I use. If I ever get more time I'll put up one in fiction, and post it here.
Heh, it wasn't that long ago that everyone was in a blogging craze. Only a select few have the attention span or the creativity to actively maintain a blog, and even a selecter few to do so with a blog that doesn't get much traffic!
I love blogging and I am pretty active with it. I have been maintaining a blog of some sort for over 6 or so years now. I started off on tblog but i hated the restrictions of their format and then I found blogger ( love this blog format) because it allows me to mess around with the template code completely.

It began as a way for me to keep in touch with 1 particulat friend but then all my far away friends began to read and it sure beats writing a ton of letters to say the same thing.

My LJ blog is the busiest but it's the one I clutter up with meme's and silliness, my recycled crows blog is a tad more serious and less busy, less traffic but I could care less about traffic. I always wrote journals this is just and extension.

The daughter of the empire on is my way of thumbing my nose at Lucas Arts. I publish my star wars novels for free to avoid any litigation, they get read and I get the satisfaction of knowing hell I actually wrote real books from beginning to end with complicated plots and everything, it was and is an interesting experiment.

I write the book I wish I could have bought and read. The blog format makes it easy to publish, even easier to reach large numbers of people ( or not) and it's free ( sweet deal if you ask me)

I also keep and maintain a collective blog for a group of artists who specialize in calligraphy and illumination.

it's very interesting to open up the blog to other contributers and see what happens.

I honestly could care less if people read my blogs but it is nice when they do. I like the connection it gives me to the rest of the world.