

If you're happy, I'm. . .
Sucks ass.. I HATE that class and I was barely getting by that class by the skin of my teeth. Yeah, final grades came in for it... I PASSEDDDDD yayayayayay!!!!! WAH HOOOOOOOO Accounting II here I come!
i liked them because if you do some work before hand they are so predictably easy. unfortunately i find it extremely difficult to revise.....
I loved Accounting, and Management Accounting, and Quant Stats, and Stats, and Decision Making.

That is because you have a twisted sense of logic. heh.

I understand accounting, but I've been known to make some funny faces when reading or working on problems.
Accounting is the root of all evil. I barely passed Financial Accounting. However, I'm off to a surprisingly decent start in Managerial Accounting, where I just got an 85 on my midterm.
I am a Auditor, with a degree in accounting. Let me know if you ever need help.

Sidenote - I recently compared an accounting(auditor) job to being in jail. Your cubicle is like a cell, everyday you report to it early in the morning. They give you a laptop but you can't cruise the internet and every step you make on the computer is tracked. At 5pm you are released from your cubicle, and you rinse and repeat for another 4 days. Until you get two short days off and start the hellish nightmare all over again.
The accounting professor LOVES his job he would come in perky and excited about the problems we had for the day. You kind of wanted to be perky along with him, then you realized its over accounting and there was this kind of sadness for him.