But in the moddern era every bullet Agent Smith shoots is post production. All his "abilities" are is having someone slow down his fights at really cool times in post production.In the modern era, a jedi knight is nothing without his digitally enhanced and post-produced lightsaber glow. We all know where Agent Smith does his work. I think the winner is obvious.
Now.. the *real* fight would be Master Control Program vs. Agent Smith. Awwwwwwyeah...
chuck norris would win.
I love Artie.
The origional idea that brought this up was if a jedi hacked into the matrix how powerful would he be. So the fight would be taking place in the matrix.A Jedi Knight, because in their universe, they are "real", in Agent Smith's universe, he is just in the biggest computer ever... meaning powerless outside of it (Jedi just has to slice a cord).
Now, Jedi vs. Vong - that would be interesting.
I have actually thought about making a mini movie of something like this. That would be awesome, the bullet would like melt as it hit the lightsaber, then the liquid metal could drip down to the floor.Saber Block vs. real bullets? Come on now!
I have actually thought about making a mini movie of something like this. That would be awesome, the bullet would like melt as it hit the lightsaber, then the liquid metal could drip down to the floor.
Yes...too much thought on this, it is too much fun. [/b]
I thought that they were beams of concentrated energy emitted from the crystal.Actually, wouldn't it vaporize the bullet instead of melting it? Lightsabers are supposed to be projected beams of some sort of volatile gas if I remember right. Dunno. It'd be nice to see a Jedi block a real bullet, it melt, and the molten bullet spray them in the eyes. Stupid Jedi.