Sort of figured they'd run out of money sometime since Duke Nukem Forever has been under development for over 10 years. Oh well, RIP to one of the most awesome companies in history. At least something good did come out of this: Apogee has been revived. Hopefully we'll see a new Rise of the Triad game (gotta get me some monk meal) but a Duke Nukem Trilogy is definitely in the works. check out the most awesomest game trailer ever to hit E3:
Sort of figured they'd run out of money sometime since Duke Nukem Forever has been under development for over 10 years. Oh well, RIP to one of the most awesome companies in history. At least something good did come out of this: Apogee has been revived. Hopefully we'll see a new Rise of the Triad game (gotta get me some monk meal) but a Duke Nukem Trilogy is definitely in the works. check out the most awesomest game trailer ever to hit E3: