It's not revolutionary in terms of new game innovations or story, but game mechanics, combat scenarios and controls are super tight. Each incurrsion you face is fast paced and tension filled. It's has a very tactical flair to it that alot of squad based shooters lack.

The graphics are also the best i've seen yet on a 360 and looks fantastic in 720p. Thats just icing on the cake for a game that plays as well as this one does.
I might get it, not a big fan of console FPSs, but I might give it a shot, as good PC games are becomming few and far between.
It's 3rd person, which obviously controls like a console FPs with some subtle differences. The fact that the view is 3rd person and not 1st has a large impact on the game mechanics. You'll see what I mean if you give it a shot. Its certainly one of the more entertaining console titles available.
yeah 3rd person shooter seem to be amazing, I don't understand why there arn't many being produced. Anyone played the punisher for ps2. Absolutely amazing
Like Jedi knight or Republic commando, that let's you choose between first and third person. Or Metal Gear. There are tons of games like that. :P
I thought you were talking about God of War, one of the best console games ever created in the last 5 years
I'll agree with you there Stav....God of War was fantastic....and tbh, Gears of War is probably the best console game i've played since God of War.
I thought you were referring to God of War as well. I played about 3 hours of that last night (the God trials or whatever) and my thumb is all bruised today :D
I have been an avid gamer since way back when I was 5 years old and got an atari 2600 (old-school). For the past three years I have pretty much been a PC gamer with SWG, WoW, Vanguard Beta and a few notable FPS that I wont bother to list because its pretty obvious which ones they are. I had to can WoW and Vanguard Beta due to a project Im working on that I cant go into detail about now... also why I have been kinda absent from the forums. I just bought my XBOX 360 6 days ago on a whim while I was at Best Buy so Im just starting back onto consoles; not to mention as busy as I am console gaming caters to my time schedule. After today it was one of the wisest decisions that I have ever done.

With that aside and being a fan of movies as well as games I have to say this game is jaw-dropping. I picked it up as well as COD3 and went over to my Brother In-laws house to show it off to him for about an hour. Poor guy is in college so he is not finacially set-up to have a killer rig to run it. We played around with the first level and some multi-player and then off to class he went (Even with an analog TV the game looks gorgeous so if you dont have an HDTV no sweat). I rushed home and down to the rec room and loaded it up. My set up at home is massive with a 58" HDTV and 7.1 THX Certified JBL sound rig, but enough of my gloating lets get down to the game.

Not much to say without spoiling it but the graphics are some of the best I have seen on console or even PC for that matter... and the atmosphere (no not the sky) is rendered very nicely. The voice acting at the beginning is kinda campy but becomes much better and passable as the game progresses. The controls take about 10 minutes or so to get hammered into your skull but after that its smooooth sailing. My wife was at home and after hearing thumpings and what probably sounded like WW3 comming from her basement came down and told me to tone it down then noticed the game case sitting on the coffee table. I had been pestering her about how I couldnt wait for GOW and she stood there over the sofa watching for about 2 minutes then asked me to restart it from the beginning! WTF!

My wife H A T E S video games I cant even get her to sit through a game of tetris... however I am blessed that she is a huge action movie fan and not into alot of the romance drama crap that most girls tote around as the Holy Grail of entertainment. As it stands now she has sat back with me and for the past 5 hours sat there watching the first 2 acts of the game go by... granted there have been some breaks :blush: But the point is if my wife can be entertained by this game its a true freaking winner.

In my opinion it so far is panning out to be one of the best Video Games, not counting MMO's, that I have ever played if not the best. Even considering Halo and Halo 2 which at times seemed to drag along through the first run this game hasnt even produced that feeling or even come close... Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time you say? Pfft If I was stranded on a deserted island and only had the ability to chose one console game to own (having not played the New Zelda for Wii mind you) this would be it... anyway Im done ranting but if you were holding out to get an Xbox 360 for Halo3, screw that... go get one now. This game trumps Halo and I forsee sequels... and maybe (shudder) a movie liscense.
coincidentially, someone on my university gaming forums was raving about GoW today. I think i'll visit the console gaming lab and try it out
hehe I wouldn't have started this thread if I didn't think the game was worthy of some accolades....at least enough to get a few people to try it out if they were on the borderline.

Played a bit more myself last night and it just gets progressively better as the game moves on. My wife (who does like games) was floored by the grfx. She keep telling me to move the toon into cover so she could see the facial details and kept asking me to switch weaps so she could check out the animations. The game not only looks incredible but plays like a dream.....thats the winning combo so many games never seem to get.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Settbacca @ Nov 9 2006, 08:43 AM) [snapback]131901[/snapback][/center]
hehe I wouldn't have started this thread if I didn't think the game was worthy of some accolades....at least enough to get a few people to try it out if they were on the borderline.

Played a bit more myself last night and it just gets progressively better as the game moves on. My wife (who does like games) was floored by the grfx. She keep telling me to move the toon into cover so she could see the facial details and kept asking me to switch weaps so she could check out the animations. The game not only looks incredible but plays like a dream.....thats the winning combo so many games never seem to get.

I'm not sure what Chapter your on seeing there are only 5... but Chapter 3 in the mines is frigging insane. And Chapter 4 is well Ill let it speak for itself. I tend to replay games like a petty fool... I'm a huuuuge COD fan and I havent even broke the shrink wrap on it yet KeK.

Even with PS3's Fall of Man or whatever its called and Nintendo's New Zelda on the horizon I'm already calling GOTY for GoW... I dont have much faith in PS3. But Ill end up getting one on the 17th probably and of course the Wii. Hopefully the developers will release chapters to GoW via Xbox Live and its stupidly obvious to anyone that has even played 20 minutes of this game that sequels are comming. Looks like we have a new franchise and if the first installment is a sign of things to come hopefully next year we'll be saying Halo wha?
Not even to chapter 3 yet. I tend to play console games and FPSs at a snails pace. Most of these games are short enough as it is that I like to prolong the experience as much as possible.